Group Accounts Simplify Transcription For Companies

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    Group Accounts Simplify Transcription For Companies

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    Chances are, if your organization engages with software that allows multiple users, you have some sort of admin access that allows you to set permissions and access levels. This type of model helps simplify the management and billing and makes things much easier for users.

    Netflix and Apple, for example, can group individual users under a larger family plan. Each user can still customize their own individual accounts, but all of the administration is done through the main account. As Netflix customers with kids understand, it’s very helpful to be able to create a customized profile for each child, but then be able to manage all of those profiles from a single account.

    SpeakWrite also offers this option through its group accounts for transcription. By setting up a group page, you are able to designate an administrator to manage all of your SpeakWrite work.

    Admins have access to a comprehensive dashboard that empowers you to view and manage your entire organization’s SpeakWrite transcription accounts. You can even have admins at different levels; for example, an admin for the entire firm, as well as an admin for each location. This is a great option for law firms or insurance agencies with multiple offices, and social service agencies who operate regionally.

    The Benefits of using SpeakWrite group accounts:

    • Ability to upload group templates: You can designate a single member of your firm to manage your group templates in order to control changes that will come up. If a name or phone number changes on your letterhead, for example, you have one person who can make sure that everyone’s group templates are up to date.
    • Consolidated billing: With a group account, all of your SpeakWrite accounts will be under one master account; you will get one bill each period rather than several individual charges. You will still get a breakdown of usage by each person that you can audit, but only one master bill to pay. If you have multiple offices, you can even group people by location so that you can track costs by location.
    • Enable features such as: Spanish Transcription, Multi-speaker Transcription, Urgent Jobs, and more!
    • Manage all accounts, and add or delete a user: By consolidating all accounts under a master account, you will have the ability to have one single admin who can manage everything. They can add new users or disable accounts that are no longer part of your firm. That way, you can have control of your accounts and keep the records up to date. The admin can add people anytime or update users’ information, such as email addresses and passwords.
    • Reporting and usage: Your designated admin can view the work of all sub-accounts and run reports on usage. You will see who is using the service and who is not. Many admins use this feature to see if users might need additional training or to pair super-users with people who are unfamiliar with SpeakWrite

    Group accounts for transcription is just another way that SpeakWrite works to provide the most efficient experience for its clients. This feature provides lots of benefits to simplify the way work is done and we are here to help you get the most from your service.

    Let us help you simplify your work, click the button below to contact our account management team.

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