
save valuable time by ensuring that documents come back formatted the same every time.

Help Streamline Processes & Maximize Productivity

With SpeakWrite's Template feature, users can save valuable time and money.


What are Templates?

Templates are files that serve as a starting place for a document, so that you don’t have to start from scratch each time.

Templates can contain formatting so that your documents come back looking polished and consistent each time. Or, they can contain text that is commonly used so you don’t have to re-create it each time. 

Get Started With Templates

Customize a free
sample template

Don't have a template?

No problem! Customize one of our free sample templates.

Add your
custom templates

Already have a template?

Great! Add as many custom templates as you'd like.

Include a template
with uploaded File

Ready to use a template?

Let's go! Select a template when uploading a file for transcription.

Customize a free
sample template

Follow these steps to customize one of our free sample templates:

  1. Log in to your Member Account at member.speakwrite.com
  2. Click “Templates” from the left nav menu.
  3. Click the “View Sample Templates” button.
  4. Choose an action:
    • Click “Add” to add the template directly to your account. You’re done!
    • Click “Modify” to download the template to your computer or smart device and make any changes you’d like.

Add your
custom template

Follow these steps to add your custom template to your account:

  1. Log in to your Member Account
  2. Click “Templates” from the left nav menu.
  3. Click the “Add Templates” button.
  4. Enter in a “Description” of the template.
  5. Click the “Choose file” button to find and select your custom template from your computer or smart device.
  6. Click the “Submit” button to add the custom template to your account.

Include template
with uploaded file

Follow these steps to include your custom template with an uploaded file for transcription:

  1. Log in to your Member Account
  2. Click “Submit Job” from the left nav menu.
  3. Start filling out the form.
  4. In the “Customize Your Job” section, select the “Template” dropdown and select one of your custom templates.
  5. Finish filling out the form, and click the “Submit” button to submit your file and template for transcription.
Did you know?
You can select your template in the mobile & desktop app as well!
That's it!
Expect your template to be incorporated into your transcribed document.

Dictate with templates

In the Mobile & Desktop app


While dictating in the mobile & desktop app, you can verbally notify our typist to use one of your custom templates by saying "Please use my ____ template for this job." - It really is that easy!


While dictating in the mobile & desktop app, click the "View Templates" button to view your templates, so that you can visually follow along. This ensures a more complete and accurate final document.

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