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    Deprecating Email Job Submission

    As you may have heard, we will be releasing our NextGen platform over the coming weeks. We have overhauled our system top-to-bottom to offer even more security features, an updated Member dashboard and Team portal, and optimized performance.

    As part of this transition, we are required to deprecate some older features in order to comply with today’s top security recommendations. For that reason, once your account has been migrated to NextGen, we will no longer be accepting job submissions through

    Instead, we recommend that you upload your audio/pdf through our new member dashboard for submission. For a sneak peek on how to do that, just click here for a quick preview of the new job upload page.

    By moving all job submissions from email to web upload, we are better able to ensure the security of customer data in transmission, rather than relying on email transmission which is no longer recommended.

    When will this change happen? We will be migrating our clients over to the new system in stages, so we cannot provide an exact date on when your account will migrate but expect to see a communication about it around late February.

    If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to contact us at or by calling (800) 828-3889.

    The SpeakWrite Team

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