Law Enforcement Transcription Services

Quick Turnaround Time for your Interviews, Body-Camera Video & Dictated Police Reports

Help Your Officers Spend More Time In The Field

SpeakWrite Law Enforcement Transcription Services as a Force Multiplier – Allowing you to do More with Less

SpeakWrite helps law enforcement agencies run more efficiently and cost effectively. With SpeakWrite law enforcement transcription, overtime can be greatly reduced or even eliminated. Officers and Investigators have more time for street patrol and crime investigation.

as featured in...

“In two weeks, 562 hours of report writing dropped to 83 hours, and 113 hours of overtime, specific to report writing, dropped to 8 hours.”


Every facet of data transfer and storage stays housed right here in the US, in state of the art data centers within the Microsoft Azure Government Cloud. The Microsoft Azure Government Cloud helps ensure data integrity and allows us to meet CJIS requirements that most departments require.

SpeakWrite helps Law Enforcement Departments run more efficiently and cost effectively!

SpeakWrite Case Study #1


This California police department serving a population of 200,000 has over 300 sworn officers. They started off in 2015 using SpeakWrite for Detectives, but expanded to Patrol officers and other personnel when they ran into staffing shortages.


This police department is a full dictation department and maintains an in-house word processing staff to complete reports and produce interview transcripts. However, when the department’s normal staff was cut in half due to promotions and other opportunities, they began to fall behind. That is when they turned to SpeakWrite to supplement their in- house team.


SpeakWrite is able to absorb the overflow work on an as-needed basis to ensure that criminal reports and interviews are returned to the officers on time. Detectives use SpeakWrite to transcribe difficult interviews, while field personnel submitted dictations when they needed a report returned quickly. “We encouraged field personnel to use this service whenever they needed a report quickly, or wanted to review a draft prior to final submission. We increased our users to accommodate that need in our department.”



By adding SpeakWrite to their current workflow, this department is saving on average 54 hours of employee time each month. That is almost seven 8-hour shifts per month that the department is not trying to fill while already being short staffed. When asked if this department would recommend SpeakWrite to a department like theirs the admin said, “Do your research and really determine what type of return you are looking for. If you are looking for speedy returns, then SpeakWrite can assist you.”

SpeakWrite Case Study #2


This police department in a city with a population of 200,000 has approximately 300 sworn officers. In 2016, the department sought a solution to help free up their detectives’ time, and that’s when they discovered SpeakWrite.


Before using SpeakWrite, detectives had to type up all of their interview and interrogation transcripts themselves. This took up a significant amount of their time and prevented them from focusing on their primary job, solving cases. Administrative tasks such as transcription were becoming a burden on their productivity, and the department needed to find a solution that could help them overcome this challenge.


SpeakWrite provided the department with a transcription service that allowed their detectives to generate accurate and timely transcripts of their interviews and interrogations without having to type them out themselves. By using SpeakWrite, the department’s detectives were freed up to work on their cases, allowing them to focus on solving crimes and bringing justice to the community.



The SpeakWrite solution proved to be a tremendous help to this department, with their detectives now able to spend more time working on cases and less time on administrative tasks. This has resulted in faster case resolution times and more efficient use of the detectives’ time. This police department has been using SpeakWrite since 2016, and their captain has recommended the service to others, stating, “Give it a try, I think you will be happy with their service.”

SpeakWrite has proven to be an invaluable tool for this department, helping to improve detective productivity and reduce administrative burden. By freeing up their detectives’ time, the department has been able to solve cases faster and more efficiently. SpeakWrite transcription services have allowed the detectives to focus on their primary job, which is keeping the community safe.

How SpeakWrite Works

3 Easy Steps To Get Your Audio Transcribed

(we also accept images, PDFs & external links)

(via mobile / desktop app, web portal or dictation line)

(download, email or link to your transcribed document)

Because all SpeakWrite work is done by trained and qualified human transcriptionists, we are 99% - 100% accurate!

Transcription geared for today’s Law Enforcement

SpeakWrite Transcription Law Enforcement Security


SpeakWrite has implemented multi-level security with authorization, authentication and encryption standards. Fully vetted typists clear rigorous background checks and strict NDA policies before acceptance into our transcription network.

SpeakWrite Legal Transcription Scalable Typist Capacity

us-based transcription

Our network of US-based typists work around-the-clock, every day of the year. Your interviews, body-camera video and dictated police reports are never sent offshore. Our capacity can scale instantly to handle any spike in workload.

SpeakWrite Legal Transcription Remarkable Speed


The efficiency of the SpeakWrite law enforcement transcription platform is so advanced, work is delivered accurately and securely, typically in about 3 hours for a standard length audio file.

Check out our Pricing!

SpeakWrite Transcription Law Enforcement Budget


Reduce, and in some cases even eliminate, overtime and excess hiring and gain back countless hours previously spent typing. We work within your budget with tools that keep you in control of your usage and spending.

Try our Savings Calculator!


We Transcribe:

Simple, no contract pricing.
On-Demand: Pay-as-you-go!

SpeakWrite helps law enforcement agencies to run more efficiently and cost effectively. With SpeakWrite law enforcement transcription, overtime can be greatly reduced or even eliminated. Officers and Investigators have more time for street patrol and crime investigation.

Test drive SpeakWrite today by requesting a Pilot for your Department!