What Can You Transcribe with SpeakWrite?

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    From getting long meeting recordings and interviews into an actionable Word document to writing a book by dictating your thoughts into your phone, we can transcribe almost everything recorded in an audio file.

    Have you ever thought of writing a book? You may have some ideas on a great story or a vast collection of memoirs, but the prospect of sitting down on a computer to type thousands of words seems daunting. Who would have known that you can use SpeakWrite to accomplish such a great feat as writing a complete book!

    “Never could have written my book without SpeakWrite!” – revealed one of our customers when providing feedback on our service. She is one of the various authors that have used our app and service to achieve their goals of writing a book in less time than what they imagined.

    We have compiled a list of 5 little-known things that you may not have thought could be turned into a document by only recording or uploading the audio and submitting it to us for transcription.

    5 Little-Known Things That Can Be Transcribed Using SpeakWrite

    1. Long lists

    Some customers report that dictating their to-do items using our app helps them get a clean, formatted list of things to do. If you have to perform building or manufacturing inspections, for example, you can benefit from our PhotoNotes feature to insert photos at the exact time you are describing them. Or maybe your company holds important brainstorming sessions and you don’t want to stop the momentum to type down all the ideas as they arise. Using our app, you can record the entire audio, submit it to SpeakWrite and receive a workable, structured list in less than 3 hours!

    2. Lectures, Classroom Events, Keynotes and Sermons

    Conferences, keynotes and other lengthy presentations offer tremendous value, but taking notes can be a challenge. On the other hand, if you can record the speaker or have access to the audio file, we can transcribe it for you, enabling you to search the finished document for keywords or topics, without having to go back and forth on your notes or video.

    3. In-Person and Virtual Meetings

    Meetings are a crucial component of every business. However, key details can be missed or misinterpreted by the person taking notes. By recording the meeting or using the audio generated from video-conference platforms like Zoom, you can leverage the power of having a full transcript of what was discussed and decided. Also, you can have everyone’s full attention focused on the content of the meeting.

    4. Podcast and Narration Transcript

    Transcribing a lengthy podcast is no easy task, especially if there is more than one participant. How valuable it is, though, to have a full, word by word transcript of your podcast episodes so you can use them as the basis for blog posts, videos or to maximize your SEO efforts by including the transcript as show notes. Using our service, you’ll get a human-powered transcription of your episodes while you invest your time in other high-impact activities. It’s important to note that while other services do offer automated transcripts, these are prone to errors because of automation limitations in understanding speech and other factors.

    5. Family Histories

    Few things can stir up our emotions more than listening to stories of our parents and grandparents. Preserving family histories by converting them on a digital document that can be later printed as a book of memoirs is one of the most unique gifts possible. Using our app you can record those stories and transform them to a typed document that you can save forever and pass on to future generations.

    While this list highlights little-known use cases for our app, we do transcribe a plethora of other documents. Check the list below to see more details:

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